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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tips for using digg blog to drive traffic

Digg is a social news site that can help drive traffic to your blog. The following tips from etiquette Digg Digg to use effectively and increase traffic to your blog.

1. Digg the original source and not digg your own posts
Digg users are very particular about how the site is used. There are various rules that hope Digg users to follow. One of the most important rule of etiquette Digg is to always submit the original source of a story. If you send a blog post or page that expounds on the source of the original story by adding new information or opinion, that okay, but make sure your shipment to add value to the conversation or story. If not, find the original source and submit that is not.
Digg will penalize users who submit their own content too often. If you want to post to your blog to have a chance of making to the main page of Digg, not be the first to submit your post.

2. Digg some articles in time
When you ask your friends to Digg your blog posts, Digg make sure they are more than just your post when they are at. Digg continue tabs on the Digg only one item when they are on the web site Digg to punish spammers. Ask your friends to Digg your post and some other interesting stories or on the main page of Digg, at the same time.

3. Both use the title and description in your Diggs
When you Digg something, give a good title and description. Title and description are what you use to convince other users to click on the shipment, read articles and hopefully this Digg, too. Selling article with a title and description for the large increase the possibility to get more Diggs for that.

4. Digg users will be active
Digg users who are active have the opportunity to get better their Digg submissions and invite more attention to their Diggs from other users. Send various posts, add friends, comments, and add to your avatar to your profile Diggs stand out from other shipments in the list of Digg's format. The more active you, the more people will see you and be interested in your investigation, which ultimately will lead to more opportunities to Digg your own blog posts.

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