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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How a Boss Can Gain the Respect of Their Employees?

It can be quite difficult for a boss to gain the respect of his employees. Staff who are unhappy can lead to reduced sales and therefore reduced profits. Productivity is the key to any business and it is essential therefore that all members of the company are pulling in the right direction. So how can a boss ensure that he does have the respect of his employees?

The first question any boss needs to ask themselves is how can I ensure that my staff are happy and content? Well is there are a structure in place that the employees are fully aware which allows them to progress within the company? Are there set roles for each member of staff? Are there adequate training programs in place? Are there any industry examinations which each member of staff can study for in order for them to improve their knowledge? Are the staff remunerated in a fair manner? Are there any members of staff that are disruptive or even bullying other employees?

One of the main areas that can frustrate members of staff is false promises. A boss needs to remember what they promise and ensure that these promises are met. If you do this and this your earnings will rise. The staff member then progresses in the way which they have been advised only to find that this promise has either been ignored or forgotten. This is not only very damaging for the employee involved but can also affect other staff members who now think that the boss is not trustworthy.

A number of bosses have been known to favour certain members of their staff, perhaps they are friends of the boss or have similar interests to them, even worse could be the scenario where the boss has an attraction to a particular member of staff. The rest of the work force can soon become disenchanted when they witness such an occurrence and their attitude will be affected.

If you are a boss you need to think about all of the above, in simple terms if you treat them with respect they will respect you back. If you take advantage of them or are not fair and make false promises they are likely to see you as a joke.

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